How to bind and loose over your children

Always be led of the Spirit when you’re praying. That said, here are some examples from Dr. Sharon Mulkey’s message titled the same: How to bind and loose over your children.

Heavenly Father,

I thank You for my children, the next generation and I ask that You would equip me to raise them to love You, to know You and to serve You all the days of their lives. You gave them life and chose me to parent them. I praise You for giving us the two keys to the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, binding and loosing.

Matthew 18:18

Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Father, we know that binding the enemy weakens him, so tell me what spirits to bind and loose each day over my nation, myself, my children and my community.

In the Name of Jesus and the power of His shed blood, I take authority and bind the spirits of fear —of all kinds— today in myself and my kids. I bind all anxiety of test taking they have and I bind all spirits of shame and embarrassment over their schoolwork and in the classroom or in general. I loose the spirits of truth, love of learning, creativity, modesty, patience, obedience, peace and godly curiosity in Jesus Name. We know the angels are ministering spirits to the heirs of salvation and they go forth and do what we cannot. Thank You Lord!

Hebrews 1:14

Are not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

I bind up all spirits of lust today and break off all family line curses and emotional inherited patterns; both from our country of origin and our generational bloodlines in Jesus Name. I bind all the benefits of addictions in our family line today like drinking, pornography, taking drugs and spirits of rebellion, willful disobedience, revenge, unruly, hatred of God, promiscuity, immodesty, blemished, scarred, tarnished, defiled and loose a love of a father, a love of God, the spirit of adoption, obedience and agape love into my children and my family members.

in the Name of Jesus Christ, I bind all sibling rivalry, jealousy, competition, envy and strife and loose an ability to see each of my children as unique individuals. I ask You, Father, to help me identify their gifts, talents and abilities so I can nurture those in them, for I will stand before You and give account one day.

I bind all learning disabilities and loose good memory recall, utility, innovation, creativity, confidence, love of reading, love of math, love of science, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, counsel and might into my kids today.

I bind all rebellion and rejection and loose identity in Christ and the ability to see their purpose in Jesus Name.

I bind all demons working in their bedrooms at night. I bind all nightmares, terror and horror which slows learning and loose angels to war on their behalf while they sleep.

I bind all spirits of accidents, injury, death and destruction in Jesus Name and loose angels to go before my family members to school or work and guard them and minister to them today. I bind all control spirits and fear and insecurity and loose the fruit of the Spirit into my family today: joy, love, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance.

I bind all wicked counsellors and loose helpful instruction into my childrens’ teachers, I loose godly communication, discernment and wisdom to help them help my kids in Jesus Name. I bind all demons who would be used savagely against my children like misunderstanding and miscommunication, backbiting and betrayal to wound them and set them back.

I loose growth of wisdom and stature, an excellent spirit, seasoned speech and skill into my kids and bind all demons of arrested development, slow to learn, no retention, hatred of learning and careless mistakes.

Finally, Father, I know my children will go through pain and suffering because this is Your process. I repent for trying to control and protect and save them from every little thing that You want to use for good. I bind in myself all control and helicopter parenting and cut the demonic umbilical cord keeping me attached in an ungodly way in Jesus Name. I loose the ability to parent according to Your Word and stop parenting when it’s time for my sons and daughters to leave me and cleave to their spouses, to be fruitful and multiply according to Your command.

I bind their feet to the paths of righteousness for Your Name’s sake and loose their feet from paths of destruction.

In Jesus Name, I pray.


Rachel Mijares